Friday, May 30, 2014

Welcome to the World

Ten weeks and one day ago, I welcomed my beautiful daughter to the world. Let's call her M. M is my first child. She is also the first grandchild on both sides, and the first great-grandchild, so she is quite a special little girl. Since before she was born, I have wanted to write something for her that would somehow encompass all my feelings. I experimented with poems and little stories in honor of M, but nothing could accurately express the whirlwind of emotions a new mother feels for her child. I wanted to write something, but I didn't know what.

After M's birth, I realized I wanted to write about what it was like having a baby for the first time--starting from the birth and moving onward. Despite the volume of pregnancy and parenting books out there, nothing really prepared me for my own experience. I expect that most new mothers feel similarly. Every birth experience is unique and every baby brings along its own adventures. I suspect that the point of all these baby books and mommy blogs is not really to prepare you for every little thing that will crop up during your own experience as a parent, but as a way for us to relate to each other and share our stories. By writing down my own thoughts and experiences, perhaps other parents--new and veteran alike--will relate to some aspects of my personal perspective. 

This blog is being written in honor of all the new and future parents out there (both moms AND dads), and especially my own husband, Z.

Lastly, this is for you, M. With much love.